The aim of “EUCHEMBIOJ 2024: I. International Conference on Chemistry and Biotechnology” is to investigate the rapidly developing topic of biotechnology and to bring together researchers in the field of Chemistry and Biotechnology.
The topics discussed at the conference include application areas of biotechnology such as biomedical technology, biosensors, molecular biology, medicine, environment, agriculture, nanotechnology, and chemistry studies for application in the field of chemistry and biotechnology.
Leading experts from around the world will come together at the conference to share their studies, perspectives, and ideas on the latest developments in biotechnology. This dynamic and multidisciplinary field will be fully explored at the conference, from cutting-edge technologies to creative applications, from fundamental concepts to theoretical frameworks.
The conference will take place online on December 9, 2024, based in Istanbul, Türkiye.
Novel protein, enzyme, antibody etc. studies in which molecules are synthesized by living organisms with up-to-date techniques (recombinant DNA technology, etc.),
Modern biotechnology research involving gene manipulation techniques,
Studies on the production of industrial products with traditional biotechnological methods,
Biotechnology and chemistry research for the green environment
Biosensor studies
Nanobiotechnology applications
Biofuel cell technology research (enzymatic fuel cells, microbial electrochemical cells, microbial fuel cells, microbial electrolysis cells)
Chemistry studies with application in biotechnology
Computational chemistry, organic synthesis, chemical engineering (catalysis, chemical reaction engineering, etc.), electrochemistry, bioelectrochemistry research, etc.
Ethical, societal, legal considerations arising in one or more of the above topics
EUCHEMBIOJ 2024 conference is suitable according to the new associate professorship application criteria in Türkiye. The conference abstract book will be published electronically two weeks after the end of the conference.
Konferansımız yeni doçentlik başvuru kriterlerine göre uygundur.
Konferansımız 2024 yılı Mart ayı başvurularından itibaren geçerli olacak yeni başvuru kriterlerindeki “Madde 8. Bilimsel Toplantı” başlığındaki “Diğer Uluslararası/Ulusal bilimsel toplantıda sunulan tam metin/özeti, basılı/elektronik olarak yayınlanmış çalışma” kapsamındaki “Bilimsel toplantının düzenleme kopmitesinde, kurum/tüzel kişilik/karar organı tarafından resmi olarak görevlendirilmiş üniversite/enstitü/bilimsel kurum/brans derneği akademisyen temsilcisi bulunması zorunludur ” şartını sağlamaktadır. Bu kapsamda, sözlü bildiri ile katılım sağlayan araştırmacılar için tam metin ve/veya özet metin, poster bildirisi ile katılım sağlayan araştırmacılar için özet bildirileri, konferans özet kitabında konferansın bitiminden itibaren iki hafta içinde elektronik olarak yayınlanacaktır.