Rabah Boukherroub

Prof. Dr. Rabah Boukherroub graduated from the University of Paul Sabatier in Toulouse, France, with a Ph.D. in chemistry. He is currently a CNRS Research Director at the Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnology (IEMN), University of Lille, France. He is a Co-editor in Chief of AI & Materials and section editor of the European Chemistry and Biotechnology Journal. His areas of interest include surface chemistry, photophysics of semiconductor/metal nanostructures, and nanostructured functional materials, with a focus on energy-related applications, biosensors, nanomedicine, and electrocatalysis.


Yolina Hubenova

Prof. Dr. Yolina Hubenova studied at Sofia University St. Kliment Okhridski and became Master of Sciences in 1992 in Biotechnology with a specialization in Gene and Cell Engineering. She completed her PhD in Neurobiochemistry at Friedrich Wilhelms University in Bonn in 2005. In 2013 was awarded an academic degree Doctor of Sciences in Biochemistry at Sofia University St. Kliment Okhridski. Prof. Dr. Yolina Hubenova continues her research at the Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in the field of Bioelectrochemical systems.

She is a member of the International Society of Electrochemistry (Lausanne, CH) and the Bioelectrochemical Society (Lausanne, CH) since 2008.

Chontisa Sukkasem

Dr. Chontisa Sukkasem currently works at the Research Center in Energy and Environment / Food Science and Technology, Thaksin University.  Dr. Sukkasem’s research area is Biotechnology, Electrochemistry and Green Chemistry. She developed various configurations of microbial fuel cells for land field applications. She is one the editors of the European Chemistry and Biotechnology Journal. 

Sebnem Essiz

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sebnem Essiz graduated from Koc University, Department of Chemistry in 2002, and from the University of Pittsburg, Biophysical Chemistry PhD program in 2009. She has been working as an academician at Kadir Has University, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics since 2012. She worked as a researcher at Lawrence Livermore National Lab (CA USA) and as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California at San Francisco, Department of Bioengineering between 2009-2010. Her research interests include computational structural biology and bioinformatics, NMDA and GABA neuronal receptors and membrane proteins, KRAS/RAF/MEK signaling pathway, accelerated molecular dynamics simulations, and protein homology modeling with genetic algorithms.

Sergey Varnavskiy

Born and raised in Moscow, Russia, Sergey graduated with summa cum laude honors in Chemistry from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys in 2003. He went on to earn a PhD in Chemistry in 2008, specializing in the synthesis of new compounds for various applications. Throughout his academic career, he participated in numerous studies across Poland, Finland, and the United States.

Transitioning into high-tech industries, Sergey contributed to the aerospace and oil & gas sectors before moving into healthcare. His work in healthcare focused on developing medical equipment specifically for women’s health. In 2021, he joined Elsevier, where he is responsible for life science solutions in the Middle East, Türkiye, and Eastern Europe.