One abstract containing the findings of a research project is requested from each participant for presentation at “EUCHEMBIOJ 2025: II. International Conference on Chemistry and Biotechnology”.
Abstract Submission
The only way to submit an abstract is via the WEBSITE.
The abstracts should be a Word document . The abstract template (template) can be used.
To submit your abstract, please register to the abstract submission system.
July 30th is the deadline for submitting your abstract.
An email confirming receipt of your abstract will be sent to you by the Technical Secretariat upon receipt of your online submission.
All abstracts will be assessed by the Scientific Committee. The scientific merit and relevance of a topic for the topics covered by the meeting will be included in the selection criteria.
By August 1st, the Scientific Committee’s assessment will be sent to the authors.
The accepted abstracts will be made publicly available in the EUCHEMBIOJ 2025 Abstracts Book.
An oral presentation, including discussion, will be held for 15 minutes.